Monday, September 22, 2008

If you can't beat them, call them names.

Today, Obama called McCain's economic plan a "cracker jack plan." He has called Republicans "ignorant." McCain a "liar." Small town Americans "bitter." And, some believe that he has implied that those that oppose him are racists. "Did I mention he's black?" (See

As put by Peter Karsinow on The Corner:

"As Seth Liebsohn notes below, Obama calls those who have pointed out his false explanations regarding his Born-Alive vote liars. Obama has a penchant for pejoratives unique among modern presidential candidates. Last week he called Republicans "ignorant." Several times during the campaign he's implied that his opponents are racist. Earlier he derided rural, blue collar Americans as bitter, bible-clinging, gun-toting racist xenophobes. Meanwhile, he yelps at imaginary slights directed at him: yesterday, he once again complained about Republicans questioning his patriotism."

Yes, this is change we can believe in. Name calling all over again.

The good old days. Just like George Bush calling people that opposed him "unpatriotic," whole countries "evil", and others just "evil doers," or "Islamo fascists." One of his best was calling Kim Jong Il a "pygmy."

Name calling worked so well for Bush in winning the hearts and minds of the world, Obama is using name calling in his home cooking. I can't wait to see the global version of this form of domestic diplomacy.