In a year when many would say that no Democratic candidate for President could lose, Obama may have made a fatal mistake that will hand the Republicans a victory.
On June 20th he made race an issue saying, “Did I mention he’s black.” Just last week he said three times in one day that he would not look like all the other presidents on the dollar bills."
The McCain campaign fired back that Obama was playing the race card from the bottom of the deck. Senator Lindsay Graham agreed.
No secret campaign memo is necessary to prove that Obama play the race card. These recent comments by Obama are just the tip of the iceberg.
From day one Barrack Obama made race an issue and has played identity politics to the hilt all the way.
Obama choose a date - on or about Abraham Lincoln’s birthday - to announce his run for president. He chose Springfield, Illinois – a home of Lincoln – as the place to announce. He even chose the very courthouse steps to make the announcement that Lincoln announced his run for the presidency. And, he spoke of Abraham Lincoln and slavery in his announcement speech.
His stump speech always mentioned Abraham Lincoln and slavery at least through the South Carolina primary. And, under a category called “hope” he made sure to revive the images of police beatings, the flailing batons and of the vicious dogs being unleashed upon blacks.
He rarely, if ever, missed the opportunity to add “and blacks died.” He said “and blacks died,” “and blacks died,” “and blacks died,” over and over again. Why?
On the day of the South Carolina primary Obama, speaking before a primarily black audience, said, “You know how they are. The ole okie-dokie. The bamboozle.” Spike Lee made clear in the movie Malcolm X that when Malcolm X said something similar that he was talking about “white” people.
No opportunity to exploit race was missed. In December 2007, when Ophra Winfrey was anointing Obama as "the one, her production of the Debaters was released to anger blacks about how whites wouldn't recognize the black debating team as national champions even though they were the best in the nation.
Carefully scripted identity politics worked through the Democratic primaries and threats and intimidation may have been a factor in the ultimate result.
Donna Brazille (John Kerry’s campaign manager) threatened to leave the Democratic Party; Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina (third ranking democrat in Congress) threatened “irreparable” damage to the Democratic Party; Color of Change (boasting 400,000 black membership) made its threats; Al Sharpen threaten marches (code for riots); and certain super delegates like Diane Watson (a black Congresswoman from Los Angeles), among others, were threatened.
Obama never objected or even once said stop threatening his party; stop threatening America. He just rode the wave he set in motion and pretended it was others creating it.