Saturday, September 27, 2008

When the bubble bursts Obama says sit on the bench

We are told that we are in or facing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression – that it is a “financial Pearl Harbor” We are told that we haven’t seen anything yet. We are told that is if we don’t feel the pain of high gas prices, high food prices, runaway inflation, a struggling dollar, a depressed housing market, 6.1% unemployment, a huge trade deficit, and stagnant wages, then, brace yourself for these things are only the gentle winds that proceed the category 5 hurricane.

Since Katrina - when the government says vacant or you die - most people listen. Well, we are told by the experts that if we don’t act fast, really fast – that’s this week, a financial tsunami will hit.

Some say that McCain suspending his campaign and going to Washington to work on what most call a crisis is a stunt and that McCain is afraid to debate tonight.

I guess it is all about the lens through which you look.

Some see it as McCain putting the Country first - the campaign second. While McCain wants to get in and be involved with the nation’s biggest problem Obama sees his role as watching from the bench.

Obama spouts out a plan quickly but doesn't object to the bailout in principal and in my opinion totally missed the issue of valuing the "purchase" of the bad assets. He said nothing about the Bush plan to purchase this shit for what they see as it "matured value" rather than fire sale value - which it is.

In other words, Obama approves of letting the tax payers pay top dollar for worthless paper and hope that over the years the money is somehow returned. The drunken sailor cannot make out the important details. The main thing to appear that he is doing something and that he is for the people. Well, a plan that pays top dollar for worthless paper so that we can bailout irresponsible corrupt greedy financial companies on the people’s dime is not in the peoples interest.

The Obama campaign is saying – by pushing for the debate no matter what - that the debate tonight is more important than the greatest financial crisis in American history? Obama is playing games with the financial crisis and the debates or he just doesn’t get it. Simply put, the debate could be set off a week. The financial crisis is urgent the debates are not. While the enemy is at the gates Obama wants to debate. McCain at least wants to see for himself what we are up against and at least get in the game.

Obama is all over the place talking, talking, talking about how the crisis should not be made political when he is the one that is making it so with all his talk. Just work on the solution. Leadership is about knowing when to step in and step up. It’s about recognizing priorities.

McCain, is stepping cautiously, stepping in, and acting like a team leader not a sub on the bench.

During the run up to an election they is something eerily disturbing when we hear inaction is not an option. That rational got us into Iraq.

Fear, by the public and by politicians, is once again being used as the tool to manufacture consent for our representatives to rush into the biggest taxpayer bailout of private industry in American history – at least $700 billion and maybe more. The pigs are fat and are at the troth.
No reward for bad behavior.

Although caution may be the crutch of the skeptic, it is also the tool of the realist. One cannot forget the rush to pass the Patriot Act, the rush to establish the Department of Homeland Security, the rush to pass an Energy Bill, the rush to permit warrantless wiretaps, FISA, the rush to eliminate habeas corpus, the rush to bail out Bear Sterns, Fannie May and Freddie Mac, and, now the rush to pass a bill by Friday to bail out AIG by purchasing its bad debt.

It is billed as a “must,” no choice action, a war of last resort, the moment of truth, a do or die watermark for the survival of America. We hear again inaction is not an option. Any caution, if we hesitate, even a week will unleash the monster of doom that will rumble from Wall street to Main street and crush all, like a giant tsunami, leaving only relics of what used to be America.

When it comes to an economic recovery plan for a nation many Americans may feel, as I, like Shakespeare’s Hamlet trying to tell the real from the unreal, the truth from the lie and the benefits from the burdens. We see what we expect and we expect what we believe. Or, we may see what we hope we could see. Let’s remove the rose glasses for a minute. Stop for just a second.

Although caution may be the crutch of the skeptic, it is also the tool of the realist. We are anxious, and maybe a little desperate, but, that doesn’t justify panic and Congress should not be push into enacting legislation that expands executive power in any way.

Whoppers by McCain and Obama


Monday, September 22, 2008

If you can't beat them, call them names.

Today, Obama called McCain's economic plan a "cracker jack plan." He has called Republicans "ignorant." McCain a "liar." Small town Americans "bitter." And, some believe that he has implied that those that oppose him are racists. "Did I mention he's black?" (See

As put by Peter Karsinow on The Corner:

"As Seth Liebsohn notes below, Obama calls those who have pointed out his false explanations regarding his Born-Alive vote liars. Obama has a penchant for pejoratives unique among modern presidential candidates. Last week he called Republicans "ignorant." Several times during the campaign he's implied that his opponents are racist. Earlier he derided rural, blue collar Americans as bitter, bible-clinging, gun-toting racist xenophobes. Meanwhile, he yelps at imaginary slights directed at him: yesterday, he once again complained about Republicans questioning his patriotism."

Yes, this is change we can believe in. Name calling all over again.

The good old days. Just like George Bush calling people that opposed him "unpatriotic," whole countries "evil", and others just "evil doers," or "Islamo fascists." One of his best was calling Kim Jong Il a "pygmy."

Name calling worked so well for Bush in winning the hearts and minds of the world, Obama is using name calling in his home cooking. I can't wait to see the global version of this form of domestic diplomacy.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Obama: Is the Chicago way the American way?

Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones had courage and conviction in her beliefs and fought for them til her death.

It is a sad day in American when she was threatened before her death because of one - her belief in Hillary Clinton. She took the Obama threats very seriously and even increased her security.

According to Susan Estrich:

“It should not have taken courage for Stephanie to support Hillary. She knew her and respected her. But it did, more than most people realize. During the campaign, I heard from friends that Tubbs Jones and Sheila Jackson-Lee, another prominent African-American Hillary supporter, were being attacked, viciously, within the black community for not supporting Barack Obama, that there was talk of their being "traitors," of primary opponents, personal threats serious enough to require additional security. I would have written about it, but my friends asked me not to, fearing it would only make people angrier and lead to more threats.”

It is appalling that her unfortunate death took place under threats from Obama or his surrogates.

As disgracefully as the physical threats upon her by Obama surrogates were - she was not alone.

Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA) was also threatened. I am sure there were a lot more.

In fact, more generally threats were made in a very public manner.

Donna Brazille threaten to leave the Democratic party, Al Sharpton threatened marches, Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-CS) threatened "irreparable harm" to the Democratic Party, Color of Change - boasting 400,00 members made threats. All these threats were made to assure Obama got the Democratic Party nomination.

Obama said nothing. Indeed, he relished in them. They were the hardball way he learned so well.

Obama supported, ratified, condoned, approved and/or inspire all these threats to get his way and nothing be said.

Others have had their lives threatened, to be publically embarrassed, and other acts of threat and intimidation.

Is the Chicago way - thug politics going to make its way to the White House?

There should be an investigation as to how extensive the threats were. We cannot let the America way become the Chicago way

Sen. Obama finesses his lobbyist ties

By Alexander Bolton, The Hill

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has pledged to create a new brand of politics in the Democratic presidential primary by rejecting contributions from lobbyists and political action committees (PAC), but his fundraising records show that he relies on donors with special interests.

See full article:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How can Obama be right and Palin wrong with same position on same issue?

The eagerness to attack Sarah Palin on anything is running off the rails. When you spit in the wind it hits you in the face. Well, Obamanites were spitting a lot about Palin's interview with ABC's John Gibson.

Dems and Obama supporters really thought that had something. So they spit and kept spitting. Red meat that made them drool.

Let's take the Georgia membership in NATO issue.'s Joan Walsh took the bait and made a clear attack on the alleged error of Palins thinking.

According to Walsh, "Her answer committing us to defend Georgia or the Ukraine against Russia was almost as bad, and the way she spelled out what NATO membership means, by rote, you could see the quickly crammed index cards in the back of her brain."

Oh no. Wait a minute. Someone isn't paying attention or just doesn’t care.

Indeed, Barrack Obama made clear that he supported Georgia's membership in NATO, stating: "I have consistently called for deepening relations between Georgia and transatlantic institutions, including a Membership Action Plan for NATO, and we must continue to press for that deeper relationship."

Well, that deer in the headlights may have got it wrong, but, then so did Obama. One can't be right and the other wrong when they take the same position. Oh well, just wipe the spit off your face. Here's a rag.

Obama Trying to Bamboozle You?

See this (cut and paste in address bar):

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama is the One that made race the issue.

In a year when many would say that no Democratic candidate for President could lose, Obama may have made a fatal mistake that will hand the Republicans a victory.

On June 20th he made race an issue saying, “Did I mention he’s black.” Just last week he said three times in one day that he would not look like all the other presidents on the dollar bills."

The McCain campaign fired back that Obama was playing the race card from the bottom of the deck. Senator Lindsay Graham agreed.

No secret campaign memo is necessary to prove that Obama play the race card. These recent comments by Obama are just the tip of the iceberg.

From day one Barrack Obama made race an issue and has played identity politics to the hilt all the way.

Obama choose a date - on or about Abraham Lincoln’s birthday - to announce his run for president. He chose Springfield, Illinois – a home of Lincoln – as the place to announce. He even chose the very courthouse steps to make the announcement that Lincoln announced his run for the presidency. And, he spoke of Abraham Lincoln and slavery in his announcement speech.

His stump speech always mentioned Abraham Lincoln and slavery at least through the South Carolina primary. And, under a category called “hope” he made sure to revive the images of police beatings, the flailing batons and of the vicious dogs being unleashed upon blacks.

He rarely, if ever, missed the opportunity to add “and blacks died.” He said “and blacks died,” “and blacks died,” “and blacks died,” over and over again. Why?

On the day of the South Carolina primary Obama, speaking before a primarily black audience, said, “You know how they are. The ole okie-dokie. The bamboozle.” Spike Lee made clear in the movie Malcolm X that when Malcolm X said something similar that he was talking about “white” people.

No opportunity to exploit race was missed. In December 2007, when Ophra Winfrey was anointing Obama as "the one, her production of the Debaters was released to anger blacks about how whites wouldn't recognize the black debating team as national champions even though they were the best in the nation.

Carefully scripted identity politics worked through the Democratic primaries and threats and intimidation may have been a factor in the ultimate result.

Donna Brazille (John Kerry’s campaign manager) threatened to leave the Democratic Party; Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina (third ranking democrat in Congress) threatened “irreparable” damage to the Democratic Party; Color of Change (boasting 400,000 black membership) made its threats; Al Sharpen threaten marches (code for riots); and certain super delegates like Diane Watson (a black Congresswoman from Los Angeles), among others, were threatened.

Obama never objected or even once said stop threatening his party; stop threatening America. He just rode the wave he set in motion and pretended it was others creating it.

Lipstick on the pig?

At the Republican Nation Convention Sarah Palin said in here acceptance speech that the difference between a pit bull and hockey mom was "lipstick."

Yesterday, Barrack Obama said "if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."

Although, the lipstick on a pig - let us call it a joke - has been around for years, it is more than mere coincidence that Obama used the "lipstick" so soon after Palin did.

You can argue until you are blue in the face that Obama was not talking about Palin as the pig, but, many, if not most of us, will see the denial as a lie.

At best it was a stupid analogy to use so soon after Palin made her lipstick analogy. This goes to judgment and personal insult.
It was bad judgment to use the lipstick on a pig analogy since it should have been clear that, even if wrong, many would think Obama was calling Palin the pig.

In spite of the fact Obama said he was taking the high road (no personal attachs), the lipstick on the pig comment could certainly be taken as a personal insult and a low one at that.

So much for the high road. Obama just made us see his lipstick.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Are Obama threats Change we can believe in?

Listen to Cristi Adkins - co-founder of - on the Salute America Talk Radio Show with Bill Lindley. They talk about the use of "threats" by Obama surrogates, supporters or representatives to coerce voters to vote for Obama.

The issue: Why didn't Obama stop the use of threats by the Obama campaign to get the Democratic nomination? Obama actually trained his people to make threat and use intimidation as part of his campaign methods. You may be surprised. 

Can Obama threaten his way into the White House? So far he and his have. According to Cristi Obama not only trained his representatives to make effective threats but they have gone so far as to threaten life. There have been personal threats, threat to limb, threats to office, to embarrass or shamed, to intimidate, to scare, and to otherwise question people's patriotism if they don 't see it the Obama way. 

Is the Chicago way thug politics the change we can believe in?

Listen now: