Monday, October 6, 2008

Is the Chicago way the American Way? (revisiting the pattern of threat and intimidation)

"Obama not only trained his representatives to make effective threats but they have gone so far as to threaten people’s lives. There have been personal threats, threat to limb, threats to office, to embarrass or shame, to intimidate, to scare, and to otherwise question people's patriotism, if people don 't see it the Obama way." -- Cristi Adkins, Clintons4McCain

The Obama campaign has conducted a campaign of threat, intimidation, and misconduct which included unethical, if not, illegal conduct. There are serious questions about how, and even if , he won the Democratic Primary. Now Obama and his are applying his craft of thuggery and deception to the general election.

Death and political threats were made to the Democratic Party, to superdelegates, to members of Congress, and arguably to America and its system of democracy in order to secure the Democratic Party nomination. From threats to everyone from Congresswoman Stephanie Tubb Jones and Tavis Smiley to Missouri “police state tactics” and ACORN as an agent for voter fraud, it is the Obama modus operandi.

As one blogger put it: “While widely ignored by the mainstream media, the implications here are nothing short of momentous. The very prospect of physical intimidation as a means of garnering political compliance from Americans awakens frightening images of the thuggish antics of one William M "Boss" Tweed.”

First, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. She had courage and conviction in her beliefs and fought for them till her death. It is a sad day in American when she was threatened before her death because of one of her beliefs - her belief in Hillary Clinton. She took the Obama threats very seriously and even had to increased her security for her protection from physical harm.. According to Susan Estrich:

“It should not have taken courage for Stephanie to support Hillary. She knew her and respected her. But it did, more than most people realize. During the campaign, I heard from friends that Tubbs Jones and Sheila Jackson-Lee, another prominent African-American Hillary supporter, were being attacked, viciously, within the black community for not supporting Barack Obama, that there was talk of their being "traitors," of primary opponents, personal threats serious enough to require additional security. I would have written about it, but my friends asked me not to, fearing it would only make people angrier and lead to more threats.”

It is appalling that her unfortunate death took place under threats from Obama or his surrogates. As disgraceful as the physical threats upon her by Obama surrogates were - she was not alone. Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA) was also threatened. I am sure there were a lot more.

In fact, more generally, threats were made in a very public manner. Donna Brazille threaten to leave the Democratic party unless Obama was the nominee, Al Sharpton threatened marches unless Obama was the nominee, Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-CS) threatened "irreparable harm" to the Democratic Party unless Obama was the nominee to the Democratic Party, and Color of Change - boasting 400,00 members - made similar threats. All these threats were made to assure Obama got the Democratic Party nomination. All of these threats were made openly and publically. Yet, Obama said nothing.

Recently, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt said Senator Claire McCaskill, Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs ‘have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.’ Governor Blunt also added, ‘Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.

In addition, Obama has worked for, represented, got money for, and even trained ACORN members in militant direct action tactic. Members of ACORN have been indicted for voter fraud and numerous other voter related crimes. Shawn used acts of intimidation to compel banks to make loans to blacks for and more recently paid ACORN to recruit voters. Despite the use of Intimidation as a method of persuasion, or because of it, Obama, hired ACORN to register voters and work for his campaign.
Obama said nothing. Indeed, he relished in the threats and continues various acts of intimidation. They were the hardball way he learned so well. Obama supported, ratified, condoned, approved and/or inspire all these threats to get his way and nothing is really said.

Can Obama threaten his way into the White House? So far he and his have.
According to Cristi Adkins of Clintons4McCain, "Obama not only trained his representatives to make effective threats but they have gone so far as to threaten people’s lives. There have been personal threats, threat to limb, threats to office, to embarrass or shame, to intimidate, to scare, and to otherwise question people's patriotism, if people don 't see it the Obama way."

The documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced” by Viviano Entertainment shows that there were thousands of complaints to the DNC about illegal and improper conduct by the Obama Campaign during the caucuses and it establishes, among other things, falsification of documents, that results were changed, that unregistered people were allowed to vote, that there were threats to Hillary supporters to scare and intimidate them, that they were stalked, and even locked out of their polling places.

The following is from a blog called Gather:

“There's mounting evidence that at least some of Obama's faithful intend to see a black American president sworn in next year -- no matter what it takes.
Earlier this month, popular black author and talk-show host Tavis Smiley disclosed death threats he'd received from those accusing him of blasphemy against their black prophet. Then, at Saturday's Smiley-hosted State of the Black Union forum, Congressional Black Caucus member Stephanie Tubbs Jones lent credence to Smiley's claim by suggesting that many black elected officials not swearing allegiance to Obama have also been the target of violent threats.

While widely ignored by the mainstream media, the implications here are nothing short of momentous. The very prospect of physical intimidation as a means of garnering political compliance from Americans awakens frightening images of the thuggish antics of one William M "Boss" Tweed in mid-nineteenth century New York. Having survived the 2000 election debacle without even the threat of bloodshed, would some now have us back on the road to the iniquitous days of Tammany Hall? Not surprisingly, no one in the black community has come forward with specific complaints. But here's what we do know.

For nine years running, Smiley has hosted the annual symposium of black college professors, politicians, activists, and entertainers during Black History Month discussing matters of concern to those whose heritage the month honors. This year, Barack Obama declined an invitation -- accepted by Clinton -- to address the panel of black dignitaries in New Orleans. The Illinois senator and presidential hopefuls unexpected rejection prompted a disappointed Smiley to blast the decision as a "major mistake," and that's when the trouble allegedly began. The perceived racial apostasy apparently sparked not only thousands of angry emails labeling Smiley as a "hater, sellout and traitor," but also the relentless harassment of his entire family. And, while he has yet to elaborate, Smiley has also mentioned the matter of death threats - levied for the mere suggestion that the mighty Obama had somehow erred.”


Is the Chicago way - thug politics going to make its way to the White House? There should be an investigation as to how extensive the threats were. We cannot let the America way become the Chicago way.