Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Clinton should have floor fight at the Democratic convention

I am one of those Clinton supporters who just can't let go and sing Koom-by-ya with Obama. Why?

This guy is not what he pretends to be. He is not honest. He is a war hawk in disguise ( he wants to hit Iran, challenge Russia and expand war in Afghanistan), has a weak energy plan (tax credit and a distant hope for alternative fuels - no muscle) , does little for the middle class (a $1,000 tax deduction at the end of the year and a pipe dream about giving a $1,000 rebate from oil company profits), he has no executive experience - probably less than any president ever - and he is arrogant.

Along the lines of honesty we should note plagiarizes his best lines (We are the we we've been waiting for, Audacity of hope, the word, tear down that wall, citizen of the world), without giving credit to the real writer.

He has very poor judgment (the surge, drilling, more troops in Afghanistan, his Senior Group on National Security, ethanol), and, under that category let's put to many questionable associations (Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and Frank the Communist).

Obama has lied more often than most (he was not a constitutional law Professor nor was he airlifted to America by John Kennedy; his economic advisor did meet with the Canadian ambassador in Chicago; he did not answer all questions about Rezko from the Chicago Sun Times, and, he was instructed in Islam and studied the Koran).

He is a typical run of the mill politician. He blows with the wind and will say anything to get elected.

Money seems to be more important than duty or his own people He took money from Tony Rezko while his people went without heat.But, to me, worst of all, he started the race issue and has played the identity politics card like a fiddle (See, Obama is the One who made race the issue on

Obama is running neck and neck with McCain in a race that should be a rout. Hillary ended the Democratic primaries with the momentum. She ended up with more popular vote than any primary candidate in history. She had 18 million votes. She won the big ones and she can beat McCain.

There is a lot of buyer’s remorse and feelings of deception as the truth about Obama comes out. When he won most of his states people did not know what he really was. There is a lot more to come. After the convention it will bone too late.

For the good of America and the Democratic Party Hillary should fight to the end. Then let Obama unite the party with Hillary at the helm.

Among Hillary supporters and anti-Obama groups trying to make this dream a reality for Hillary or a nightmare for Obama are Just Say No to a Deal, We Will Not be Silenced 2008, and