Sunday, August 17, 2008

Listen to want the people think....NO Obama

If you are a democrat and oppose Obama you are not alone.


I found this video on a post on

Other great fight for America sites include:

We Will Not Be Silenced 2008

Just Say No Deal


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Could Obama still lose the nomination?

It is not over yet. The American thinker. See:

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." - Gandhi

Should US press to place missiles in Poland?

Russia has opposed the placement of missiles in Poland as part of what the US touts as an anti-balistic defense system. Despite this, there is a push to proceed. Since the Geogian conflict the Polish President has renewed his commitment to allow the placement of missiles in Poland.

The Russian reaction is not unexpected. It is similar to that of the US when Russia put missiles in Cuba. War was avoided because Russia withdrew its missiles.

According to Pravda: "The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia warns Poland that it may become a priority target for Russia in the event the USA deploys elements of its missile defense system on the territory of this East European nation. To put it in a nutshell, Russia may strike a nuclear blow on Poland, which is possible after the recent change of the Russian Federation defense doctrine."

See more:

The U.S. and the Czech Republic have signed a deal involving the other major part of the proposed U.S. system. The plan calls for a tracking radar in the Czech Republic and 10 interceptor missiles in Poland.

Is the reaction to Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia a message to Poland and the US?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

All that Glitters Isn't Gold

When it comes to picking a President many Americans may feel, as I, like Shakespeare’s Hamlet trying to tell the real from the unreal, the truth from the lie and the person from the facade. We see what we expect and we expect what we believe. Or, we may see what we hope we could see. Let’s remove the rose glasses for a minute. Stop for just a second. Although caution may be the crutch of the skeptic, it is also the tool of the realist.

We are anxious, and maybe a little desperate, for someone to believe in. We want a person of their word that does what they say. Regardless, many of us cannot help but cautiously test the water before jumping in and supporting any candidate.

Despite being burnt by many politicians, I think that there is something deep within us that hopes we have found the one to believe in.

No doubt about it. Barack Obama inspires and this sparkle is like water for a thirsty man in the desert. Cool and refreshing. But, after being stung so many times when reaching for the honey, we must look to see if the nugget is gold all through and through.

There are some unanswered questions about Obama. Most obviously, the Rezko Affair which puts squarely in issue Barack's judgment, integrity and whether he has real concern for his own people.

When he was in the Illinois State Legislature Rezko, whom Obama calls a friend, owned 11 buildings in Obama’s district. Some had no heat in the winter and constituents complained to Obama. It does not appear that Barack did much, if anything, about constituent complaints other than send them to the Housing Authority. During this period Barack took thousands of dollars from Rezko. It does not appear that he gave the Rezko money to charity until after he was caught.

Integrity at the point of a gun, is not much to brag about.

Call me a Doubting Thomas when it comes to all candidates.

We heard the integrity and unity bit before. That bit was the campaign mantra of George W. Bush when he took the 2000 Presidential election. He delivered neither. Bush divided the country more starkly than any President in a century and made hundreds of false statements to lure America into an unnecessary war of aggression. So much for talk.

Many Obama supporters are being swept up in a carnival like atmosphere gleefully riding the merry-go-round while reaching for the brass ring of change. Is what we think we see in Obama real or is it the mirage of a thirsty man in the desert? It cannot hurt to stop for a second, look, and listen. It is so important that it would not be hyperbole to say that the future of America, if not the world, is at stake.

Is Barack Obama a snake oil salesman with a hypnotic potion or a modern day Savanarola striking at political immorality and real change?

There has always been a thrill of finding fools gold. But, there is despair when the assessor tells us the truth. Let’s hope that Obama is the real thing. But, if he is the snake oil salesman that is the same ole Washington we hate. Pretending to be something you are not is not a new kind of politics. It is the exact thing we want to change.

Obama's Senior Working Group on National Security is NOT CHANGE we can Believe in.

On June 18, Obama convened the first meeting of his "Senior Working Group on National Security," a collection of advisers and possible future Cabinet members in a new administration--many of them former Clinton administration operators. Their record of war-making and imperial arrogance is enough to make your blood curdle.


* MADELEINE ALBRIGHT - Served a secretary of state in former President Bill Clinton's administration and was a top adviser to the campaign of Obama's former rival, Hillary Clinton. In 1996, CBS's Lesley Stahl asked Madeleine Albright, then secretary of state, about the U.S-imposed sanctions against Iraq. "We have heard that a half million children have died," Stahl said. "I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it?"
Albright didn't hesitate. "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it," said Albright.

* DAVID BOREN - The former governor and senator from Oklahoma chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. is a former conservative Democratic senator. He was chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He helped push through the appointment of Robert Gates to head the CIA in 1991. Boren's top aide at the time was George Tenet, who would later become director of the CIA under Clinton and later Bush the Younger. Boren is a longtime friend of the Bush family, and has also been courted by the right-wing Reform Party.

* WARREN CHRISTOPHER - Was Bill Clinton's first secretary of state and also served as deputy secretary of state in the Carter administration. As for Iraq, the Clinton administration inherited the devastating economic sanctions imposed by George Bush Sr. before the first Gulf War. When the pressure was on for the new administration to reconsider the sanctions, Christopher gave assurances no such thing would happen. As incoming secretary of state, he told reporters, "I find it hard to share the Baptist belief in redemption.... I see no substantial change in the position and continuing total support for what the [Bush] administration has done." Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died as a result of the continuing economic blockade.

*DAVID BOREN - Boren is a former conservative Democratic senator. He was chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He helped push through the appointment of Robert Gates to head the CIA in 1991. Boren's top aide at the time was George Tenet, who would later become director of the CIA under Clinton and later Bush the Younger. Boren is a longtime friend of the Bush family, and has also been courted by the right-wing Reform Party.

* GREG CRAIG - Was a former senior adviser to Albright in the Clinton administration and later led the team defending Bill Clinton against the impeachment charges involving Clinton's affair with a White House intern. Despite long ties to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, Craig was an early supporter of Obama and has been part of his inner circle of advisers.

* RICHARD DANZIG - Served as secretary of the Navy under Bill Clinton and is an expert on counterterrorism. Danzig was a consultant for Martin Marietta immediately before joining the Clinton administration, he restructured the defense industry in a plan nicknamed "payoffs for layoffs" by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, in which the government paid military contractors to consolidate.

* LEE HAMILTON - The former Indiana congressman co-chaired the blue-ribbon commission that investigated the Sept. 11 attacks and was a lead author of Iraq Study Group report that offered recommendations on Iraq to President George W. Bush in 2006.

* ERIC HOLDER - Was deputy attorney general in Bill Clinton's administration and is working with Caroline Kennedy, daughter of slain President John F. Kennedy, in helping to guide Obama's search for a vice presidential running mate.

* ANTHONY LAKE - Was national security adviser to Bill Clinton and has been part of the inner circle of Obama's campaign.

* SAM NUNN - A former senator from Georgia who chaired the Senate Armed Services Committee, Nunn has long been viewed as a leading Democratic voice on foreign policy and some have speculated he might be looked at by Obama as a potential running mate.* WILLIAM PERRY - Was secretary of defense under Bill Clinton.

* SUSAN RICE - The former assistant secretary of state for African Affairs is Obama's senior foreign policy adviser.

* TIM ROEMER - The former Indiana congressman was a member of the 9/11 commission.

* JAMES STEINBERG - Was deputy national security adviser to Bill Clinton.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Clinton should have floor fight at the Democratic convention

I am one of those Clinton supporters who just can't let go and sing Koom-by-ya with Obama. Why?

This guy is not what he pretends to be. He is not honest. He is a war hawk in disguise ( he wants to hit Iran, challenge Russia and expand war in Afghanistan), has a weak energy plan (tax credit and a distant hope for alternative fuels - no muscle) , does little for the middle class (a $1,000 tax deduction at the end of the year and a pipe dream about giving a $1,000 rebate from oil company profits), he has no executive experience - probably less than any president ever - and he is arrogant.

Along the lines of honesty we should note plagiarizes his best lines (We are the we we've been waiting for, Audacity of hope, the word, tear down that wall, citizen of the world), without giving credit to the real writer.

He has very poor judgment (the surge, drilling, more troops in Afghanistan, his Senior Group on National Security, ethanol), and, under that category let's put to many questionable associations (Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and Frank the Communist).

Obama has lied more often than most (he was not a constitutional law Professor nor was he airlifted to America by John Kennedy; his economic advisor did meet with the Canadian ambassador in Chicago; he did not answer all questions about Rezko from the Chicago Sun Times, and, he was instructed in Islam and studied the Koran).

He is a typical run of the mill politician. He blows with the wind and will say anything to get elected.

Money seems to be more important than duty or his own people He took money from Tony Rezko while his people went without heat.But, to me, worst of all, he started the race issue and has played the identity politics card like a fiddle (See, Obama is the One who made race the issue on

Obama is running neck and neck with McCain in a race that should be a rout. Hillary ended the Democratic primaries with the momentum. She ended up with more popular vote than any primary candidate in history. She had 18 million votes. She won the big ones and she can beat McCain.

There is a lot of buyer’s remorse and feelings of deception as the truth about Obama comes out. When he won most of his states people did not know what he really was. There is a lot more to come. After the convention it will bone too late.

For the good of America and the Democratic Party Hillary should fight to the end. Then let Obama unite the party with Hillary at the helm.

Among Hillary supporters and anti-Obama groups trying to make this dream a reality for Hillary or a nightmare for Obama are Just Say No to a Deal, We Will Not be Silenced 2008, and

Obama is the One that made race the issue.

Obama is the One that made race the issue.

By D. Lindley Young

In a year when some would say that no Democratic candidate for President could lose, Obama may have made a fatal mistake that will hand the Republicans a victory. He made race the issue. No secret campaign memo is necessary to prove that Obama played the race card.

On June 20th Obama made race an issue saying, “Did I mention he’s black.” Just last week Obama said three times in one day that he would not look like all the other presidents on the dollar bills."

These recent comments by Obama are just the tip of the iceberg. From day one Barrack Obama made race an issue and has played identity politics to the hilt all the way.

Obama choose a date - on or about Abraham Lincoln’s birthday - to announce his run for president. He chose Springfield, Illinois – a home of Lincoln – as the place to announce. He even chose the very courthouse steps to make the announcement that Lincoln announced his run for the presidency.

And, he spoke of Abraham Lincoln and slavery in his announcement speech. His stump speech always mentioned Abraham Lincoln and slavery at least through the South Carolina primary. And, under a category called “hope” he made sure to revive the images of police beatings, the flailing batons and of the vicious dogs being unleashed upon blacks.He rarely, if ever, missed the opportunity to add “and blacks died.” He said “and blacks died,” “and blacks died,” “and blacks died,” over and over again. Why? On the day of the South Carolina primary Obama, speaking before a primarily black audience, said, “You know how they are. The ole okie-dokie. The bamboozle.”

Spike Lee made clear in the movie Malcolm X that when Malcolm X said something similar that he was talking about “white” people.

No opportunity to exploit race was missed. In December 2007, when Ophra Winfrey was anointing Obama as "the one, her production of the Debaters was released to anger blacks about how whites wouldn't recognize the black debating team as national champions even though they were the best in the nation.Carefully scripted identity politics worked through the Democratic primaries and threats and intimidation may have been a factor in the ultimate result.

Donna Brazille (John Kerry’s campaign manager) threatened to leave the Democratic Party; Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina (third ranking democrat in Congress) threatened “irreparable” damage to the Democratic Party; Color of Change (boasting 400,000 black membership) made its threats; Al Sharpen threaten marches (code for riots); and certain super delegates like Diane Watson (a black Congresswoman from Los Angeles), among others, were threatened.

Obama never objected or even once said stop threatening his party; stop threatening America. He just rode the wave he set in motion and pretended it was others creating it.