Thursday, October 9, 2008

When did he know? Obama’s game of dodge ball turns to cover up and to lies

It seems like simple questions with a simple answers.

When did Obama first learn that Bill Ayers was a member of the Weathermen? When did Obama know that Ayers, or the Weathermen, committed acts of terrorism in the United States? And, the follow-up question is when did Obama “denounce” Ayers?

Rather than answer the questions- Obama and everyone that speaks for him - dodges the question, changes the subject and refuses to answer. They just keep repeating – as if it has any relevance at all to the question - that he was 8 years old when Ayers actions took place; that he denounced Ayers; that all the voters want to hear about is the economy, and that McCain is making Ayers an issue because he is out of ideas and out of time.

The issue is that we are putting a man in the White House who has never been properly vetted and who has been given a pass by the media the whole way. He has seriously questionably contacts with numerous unsavory characters. Apparently since he has gotten a free pass so far, he thinks he is so slick that he doesn’t ever have to answer for his conduct. Just dodge it. Dodge Reverend Wright, dodge Tony Rezko, dodge Obingo of Kenya, dodge how he got in Harvard, dodge everything. Slick moves from the one. The old okie-dokie. The bamboozle.

Just answer the question. “When” did Obama learn Ayers was part of a terrorist organization, not, how old Obama was when Ayers committed terrorist acts. No matter how many times Obama and his say he was 8 years old or that he denounced Ayers, it does not answer the questions of when Obama knew about Ayers terrorist activities and when he “denounced” Ayers.

This is clearly a cover-up. Why not just answer the question? The only reasonable motive for concealing the truth or dodging it is that it is politically damaging and raises big questions about who Obama really is.

Concealing the truth and trying to give people a false impression is plain and simple lying.

The question “when” did Obama learn Ayers was part of a terrorist organization, not, how old Obama was when Ayers committed terrorist acts. So, no matter how many times Obama and his say he was 8 years old, it does not answer the question of when Obama knew about Ayers terrorist activities.

Obama fails to state that he was over 30 when Ayers hosted a fund raiser for him and he was over thirty when he served on the board of the Wood Foundation. Is this another, I didn’t know argument. He sits in a church for 20 years and didn’t know about the sermons of Reverend Wright.

Does Obama think we are stupid people just clinging to our guns and our churches?

The issue now becomes Obama’s cover-up - his attempt to deceive the American people about what he knew and when he knew it.

Concealing the truth is a lie. We cannot afford another liar in the white house? Eight years has been enough.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Character first - Time to take a closer look at Obama

It is less than a month before the 2008 election and most voters do not really know Barack Obama. They know this image as a charismatic speaker and they know he says he is going to “change” America and the world. He says he is a difference kind of politician we can believe in.

Obama identifies all the ills of America – lost jobs, high prices, stagnant wages, cost of college, foreclosures, the financial crisis, the need to get off foreign oil, clean up the environment, the inner cities, education, healthcare, our image to the world, hot spots and war, etc.

No one questions that he knows how to point the finger and wag it with the best of them. And no one doubts that pointing the finger and identifying the problems obvious to most Americans is effective politics. He plays to the problems most Americans relate to – the blue collar kitchen table issues. Then straight out of the play book he then directs people’s angst towards the Republicans, Bush and McCain in his we versus them class warfare.

All of this is good and well. Hope in desperate times is an elixir. It is a tried and true strategy to tout “change” when things aren’t going good for the people. We American relish in the belief that anyone has come has come to save the day. We want heroes – Paul Bunyan, Davey Crockett, Alvin York, Audie Murphy, and the like - the cavalry charging in with bugles blasting to save us from the Indians at the last minute - our Sir Lancelot on his white horse.

But, it is time to take a closer look at Obama. Can he actually deliver? Does he have the metal- the character?

The character of the candidate is the most important thing to consider in picking a president. Character is who the candidate is more than anything he says or promises or how well he says it. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Character is the stake not the sizzle. Character is what you are.

Character is by far a most important qualification for office - certainly more important than the issues. Character is the rudder that guides the boat and the issues the passengers. The passengers will unlikely get to the destination if there is no rudder to steer the boat.

If one spotlights Obama’s character, Obama retorts “the people want to hear the issues.” He avoids character because it is his weak spot. It is a basic of politics to change the issue when the issue id not good for you. The Obama campaign knows that when character becomes the issue, Obama looses.

He does not want to talk about Ayers, Wright, Obingo, Rezko – his judgment about these relations. He doesn’t want to talk about taking money from Rezko while he disregarded complaints from his constituent about no heat in the dead of Chicago winter. He does not want to talk about his misstatements about Kennedy airlifting him to America, his missing college years. How he got in Harvard and who got him in. He doesn’t want to talk about the fact that he was never a law professor.

Obama doesn’t what talk about a lot of things which would show who is and who he is –his character – really matters. He is the shadow, not the tree. He is the sizzle, not the stake. He is the boat without the rudder.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Is the Chicago way the American Way? (revisiting the pattern of threat and intimidation)

"Obama not only trained his representatives to make effective threats but they have gone so far as to threaten people’s lives. There have been personal threats, threat to limb, threats to office, to embarrass or shame, to intimidate, to scare, and to otherwise question people's patriotism, if people don 't see it the Obama way." -- Cristi Adkins, Clintons4McCain

The Obama campaign has conducted a campaign of threat, intimidation, and misconduct which included unethical, if not, illegal conduct. There are serious questions about how, and even if , he won the Democratic Primary. Now Obama and his are applying his craft of thuggery and deception to the general election.

Death and political threats were made to the Democratic Party, to superdelegates, to members of Congress, and arguably to America and its system of democracy in order to secure the Democratic Party nomination. From threats to everyone from Congresswoman Stephanie Tubb Jones and Tavis Smiley to Missouri “police state tactics” and ACORN as an agent for voter fraud, it is the Obama modus operandi.

As one blogger put it: “While widely ignored by the mainstream media, the implications here are nothing short of momentous. The very prospect of physical intimidation as a means of garnering political compliance from Americans awakens frightening images of the thuggish antics of one William M "Boss" Tweed.”

First, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. She had courage and conviction in her beliefs and fought for them till her death. It is a sad day in American when she was threatened before her death because of one of her beliefs - her belief in Hillary Clinton. She took the Obama threats very seriously and even had to increased her security for her protection from physical harm.. According to Susan Estrich:

“It should not have taken courage for Stephanie to support Hillary. She knew her and respected her. But it did, more than most people realize. During the campaign, I heard from friends that Tubbs Jones and Sheila Jackson-Lee, another prominent African-American Hillary supporter, were being attacked, viciously, within the black community for not supporting Barack Obama, that there was talk of their being "traitors," of primary opponents, personal threats serious enough to require additional security. I would have written about it, but my friends asked me not to, fearing it would only make people angrier and lead to more threats.”

It is appalling that her unfortunate death took place under threats from Obama or his surrogates. As disgraceful as the physical threats upon her by Obama surrogates were - she was not alone. Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-CA) was also threatened. I am sure there were a lot more.

In fact, more generally, threats were made in a very public manner. Donna Brazille threaten to leave the Democratic party unless Obama was the nominee, Al Sharpton threatened marches unless Obama was the nominee, Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-CS) threatened "irreparable harm" to the Democratic Party unless Obama was the nominee to the Democratic Party, and Color of Change - boasting 400,00 members - made similar threats. All these threats were made to assure Obama got the Democratic Party nomination. All of these threats were made openly and publically. Yet, Obama said nothing.

Recently, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt said Senator Claire McCaskill, Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs ‘have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.’ Governor Blunt also added, ‘Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.

In addition, Obama has worked for, represented, got money for, and even trained ACORN members in militant direct action tactic. Members of ACORN have been indicted for voter fraud and numerous other voter related crimes. Shawn used acts of intimidation to compel banks to make loans to blacks for and more recently paid ACORN to recruit voters. Despite the use of Intimidation as a method of persuasion, or because of it, Obama, hired ACORN to register voters and work for his campaign.
Obama said nothing. Indeed, he relished in the threats and continues various acts of intimidation. They were the hardball way he learned so well. Obama supported, ratified, condoned, approved and/or inspire all these threats to get his way and nothing is really said.

Can Obama threaten his way into the White House? So far he and his have.
According to Cristi Adkins of Clintons4McCain, "Obama not only trained his representatives to make effective threats but they have gone so far as to threaten people’s lives. There have been personal threats, threat to limb, threats to office, to embarrass or shame, to intimidate, to scare, and to otherwise question people's patriotism, if people don 't see it the Obama way."

The documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced” by Viviano Entertainment shows that there were thousands of complaints to the DNC about illegal and improper conduct by the Obama Campaign during the caucuses and it establishes, among other things, falsification of documents, that results were changed, that unregistered people were allowed to vote, that there were threats to Hillary supporters to scare and intimidate them, that they were stalked, and even locked out of their polling places.

The following is from a blog called Gather:

“There's mounting evidence that at least some of Obama's faithful intend to see a black American president sworn in next year -- no matter what it takes.
Earlier this month, popular black author and talk-show host Tavis Smiley disclosed death threats he'd received from those accusing him of blasphemy against their black prophet. Then, at Saturday's Smiley-hosted State of the Black Union forum, Congressional Black Caucus member Stephanie Tubbs Jones lent credence to Smiley's claim by suggesting that many black elected officials not swearing allegiance to Obama have also been the target of violent threats.

While widely ignored by the mainstream media, the implications here are nothing short of momentous. The very prospect of physical intimidation as a means of garnering political compliance from Americans awakens frightening images of the thuggish antics of one William M "Boss" Tweed in mid-nineteenth century New York. Having survived the 2000 election debacle without even the threat of bloodshed, would some now have us back on the road to the iniquitous days of Tammany Hall? Not surprisingly, no one in the black community has come forward with specific complaints. But here's what we do know.

For nine years running, Smiley has hosted the annual symposium of black college professors, politicians, activists, and entertainers during Black History Month discussing matters of concern to those whose heritage the month honors. This year, Barack Obama declined an invitation -- accepted by Clinton -- to address the panel of black dignitaries in New Orleans. The Illinois senator and presidential hopefuls unexpected rejection prompted a disappointed Smiley to blast the decision as a "major mistake," and that's when the trouble allegedly began. The perceived racial apostasy apparently sparked not only thousands of angry emails labeling Smiley as a "hater, sellout and traitor," but also the relentless harassment of his entire family. And, while he has yet to elaborate, Smiley has also mentioned the matter of death threats - levied for the mere suggestion that the mighty Obama had somehow erred.”


Is the Chicago way - thug politics going to make its way to the White House? There should be an investigation as to how extensive the threats were. We cannot let the America way become the Chicago way.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What would Obama’s foreign policy look like?

By D. Lindley Young

Answer. Very much like that of George Bush.

He wants to challenge Russia by pressing for missiles in Poland. His change you can believe in is that he wants the missiles pointed in a different direction than Bush or McCain.

He urges Georgia to join NATO so the US will have to go to war for them.

He wants to do "everything in his power" to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. This was his blood oath to AIPAC.

He wants to expand the war in Afghanistan despite the fact that an increase of about 42,000 US troops in the last year has only made it worse. Alexander the Great nor Russia could conquer them but Obama will.

He has announced very publicly that he wants to cut off aid to Pakistan under certain circumstances and invade their sovereignty if we know where a terrorist is (our intigence is so good) and Pakistan doesn't act.

The idea of pushing for more US control in Pakistan, creates more internal resistance to the government and may be destabilizing. As McCain suggested, these are not positions you broadcast.

His Senior Group on National Security is made of people that wanted the Iraq war, want to hit Iran, create more chemical and biological weapons, war hawks and several are tied directly to the weapons industry, the Carlyle Group, Lockheed Martin and the likes.

So, world, it is war and more war no matter who is elected in America.

The "control paradigm" is contagious here. It is believed that control means security and that control means war.

Little or nothing is said about Cuba, Taiwan, South America, Korea, etc.

But similar to Bush's messianic world view Obama see himself as "changing the world." That type of arrogance is always dangerous.

Drop your nets and come with me. I will make you fishers of men.

Friday, October 3, 2008

ACORN: The Poisonous NUT That Ended Democracy in America

By Cristi Adkins, Clintons4Mccain

Within its shell, ACORN contains all the makings of an intriguing government political conspiracy movie: drama, injustice, organized crime, election fraud, intimidation, violence, money, lies, extortion and a presidential candidate.[1]

If you are a patriotic, middle class American who spends most of your time working for your family and enjoying your FREEDOM, you have probably not been bothered by the sounds of an ACORN dropping before now.

But, while you were sleeping peacefully at night, the roots of Socialism have broadened its reach, without determent right into the foundation of the White House.[2]

Allow me to enlighten you to the ways of a radical community action group that could impact your way of life forever.

ACORN is an acronym that stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Its mere definition contains hints of Socialism as it claims to be a group advocating for low- and moderate-income families that addresses housing, schools, neighborhood safety, health care, job conditions, and other social issues.[3]

Beneath that surface lie violence, intimidation, threats, race baiting and direct physical attacks on property, people and the legal establishment.

Without going into the myriad details, many ACORN policy proposals are widely considered to be in line with the far left wing of the Democratic Party.[4]

If you are asking yourself what could possibly be so ‘bad' with a group that in theory advocates for low income families, then you've just given yourself the reason this group has been allowed to thrive in America with little scrutiny and under the radar of main street observation until now.[5]

In truth, ACORN is the most virulent, organized crime group in this decade...and it is funded by YOU.

Put simply, ACORN is ripping off the taxpayer through Congressional hand outs.[6] In fact, ACORN was recently due to receive nearly $700 million of the $700 billion dollar bailout bill until Republicans in the Senate redlined it.[7]

Allow that to sink in for a moment: $700 million from the US for an organized crime group.

Yes, ACORN has been receiving Obama campaign funding, but what's worse is that ACORN leaders are actively extorting money from banks, mortgage brokers and Congress. To add insult to injury, ACORN is costing Americans millions to investigate all of its criminal activities across America.

And then there's the end of the democratic process through valid elections.[8] Yes, ACORN is behind much of the rampant voter fraud.[9] ACORN has been involved with fraudulent voter registrations for years.[10] In fact, Missouri has 8 ACORN guilty pleas on record (for 2006 violations of federal voting laws) just this year. Many other states are investigating many hundreds of cases of voter fraud in their jurisdiction.[11] We have compelling evidence that ACORN has been involved in fraudulent voter registration since early in the 2007 launch of the Obama campaign.

But we don't stop at faulty funding and voter fraud. Obama's community organizational skills are synonymous with totalitarian tactics as its leaders use violence, intimidation, threats, racial baiting and direct physical attacks on property, persons and the legal establishment.[12] When you shed the shell, there is just no good to the group known as ACORN. It is corrupt and without any upside.

With a group like ACORN running rampant in government and shaking hands in Washington, why not legitimize the Bloods and The Crypts? They too are street gangs but they just happen to push drugs instead of bogus registrations drives and sub-prime mortgage deals.

Uncle Sam should be putting ACORN at the top of its list as internal terrorist groups, yet the red, white and blue sense of justice seems to be crumbling. Many numbed citizens just roll their eyes at groups like ACORN simply because America has unfortunately become deadened to the idea that politicians have ulterior motives, nameless agenda's and behave unscrupulously at times.

However, the rest of this American story is without filtering or fear.
The disturbing reason more ACORN activities go un-prosecuted is because the FEC as well as the FBI have refused to open investigations out of fear of rocking the Obama campaign.[13]

The MOST disturbing fact you need to know about ACORN is that its organizers have terrorized the Federal justice and law enforcement system into NON-action.

How can one group get away with so much? Because ACORN has many Democratic backers in Congress who work tirelessly for its perpetuation and the head ACORN nut is Senator Obama.[14] In fact, Senator Obama is so entwined in ACORN it has become a career and campaign double helix in his DNA.

If you're asking yourself what Obama has to do with ACORN, consider this:
Obama has served ACORN as its attorney, has been its direct action trainer, its mentor, its contractor, and its PRIMARY illegal campaign funder. ACORN is part of the ‘Community Organizing' experience his evil empire would like to bring into the White House.[15]

American men and American women should be recognizing that mother freedom is on the brink of extinction with one single NUT trampling all over liberty.

Who will be left sleeping peacefully at night as the ACORN marks the beginning of Socialism in America brought to you courtesy of Barack Obama?[16] With ACORN intact or worse, empowered in the White House, American Democracy will be a legend long gone. Socialism and criminality will be the rule.

[1] Rotten Acorn
[2] IBD Editorial
[3] Special Report: Rotten Acorn
[4] Discover the
[5][5] National Review
[6] New York Times
[7] Fox News,2933,431804,00.html
[8] National Review
[9] Fox News
[10] Michelle Malkin
[11] Rotten Acorn
[12] IBD Editorial
[13] Texas Darlin
[14] Real Clear Politics
[15] IBD Editorial
[16] IBD Editorial

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New trouble brewing for Obama – intimidation in Missouri tip of iceberg

Citizen groups say “We Will Not Be Silenced”

Today Beverly Hills based film producer Bettina Viviano, founder of Viviano Entertainment, announced the start of a “30 Day Campaign for Truth” about presidential hopeful Barack Obama. The campaign will center on a documentary film entitled “We Will Not Be Silenced” produced by Viviano Entertainment and directed by Gigi Gaston. See

The 30 Day Campaign for Truth will include the presentation of substantial evidence of a pattern of threats, voter intimidation, criminal violations, violation of Democratic party rules, unfair and unethical acts, and various statewide caucus irregularities that occurred across the nation in the Democratic Primaries. Similar conduct is now continuing in the general election.

According to Viviano, “over the next 30 days we will show that what the Obama campaign admittedly did in Missouri is just the tip of the iceberg. Recently, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt said Senator Claire McCaskill, Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs ‘have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.’ Governor Blunt also added, ‘Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.’”

The documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced” shows that there were thousands of complaints to the DNC about illegal and improper conduct by the Obama Campaign during the caucuses and establishes, among other things, falsification of documents, that results were changed, that unregistered people were allowed to vote, that there were threats to Hillary supporters to scare and intimidate them, that they were stalked, and locked out of their polling places.

“We Will Not Be Silenced” presents interviews with numerous witnesses including teachers, professors, civil rights activists, lawyers, janitors, physicists, ophthalmologists, accountants, mathematicians, retirees and others in caucus states. They recount their personal stories of threats, acts of intimidation, lies, stolen documents, falsified documents and more.

According to screenwriter/director Gigi Gaston, a Hillary supporter, “everyone turned a blind eye to thousands of complaints - at least 2000 complaints, in Texas alone. The DNC chose to sweep this under the rug by looking the other way. It is as though they had their pick from the beginning and were going to make sure they had a winner. It is not that Hillary lost, rather how she lost that concerns me. What are my party's principles, and why would they turn their back on millions of voters who cried out for justice?”

Viviano concluded, “The leadership of the Democratic Party participated in the suppression of questionable, unfair, unethical, and sometimes criminal practices by the Obama campaign and disregarded thousands of complaints about such conduct in order to assure a victory by Obama in the Democratic Primary. Now Obama continues his thug tactics and no one says anything. The Chicago way is not the American way.”

The “30 Day Campaign for Truth” will include numerous nationwide press releases to at least 1,400 media outlets; presentations on numerous blogs; You Tube presentations; press conferences and a viewing of the documentary. Numerous groups including Cristi Adkins and,, YouTube sensations Paul F. Villarreal and John D. Villarreal with Villarreal Media, and others will participate.